Intellectual Property Pledge

((Intellectual Property Pledge for Authors))

Once the researcher submits the publication request, he acknowledges and declares the following:

  1. I confirm that the research is an original work of my own authorship and has not been copied or quoted in a way that violates the intellectual property rights or copyrights of any other party.
  2. I acknowledge that I have not published this research, nor have I submitted it for publication in any other journal or platform, and I will not do so unless the journal officially rejects its publication.
  3. I pledge that I have read the journal’s (Publishing Instructions and Conditions, Publishing Ethics Policy, Intellectual Property Rights, Plagiarism Policy, Open Access Policy, Copyright and Licensing Policy) and fully adhere to them.
  4. I bear full responsibility for any errors or violations that may appear in the research, and I acknowledge that the journal or the editorial board will not bear any legal responsibility in this regard.
  5. I confirm that all co-authors (if any) have agreed to the content of the research and have agreed to waive their rights in accordance with the terms mentioned above.
  6. I undertake to make the required modifications within the specified time period.

Accordingly, I hereby fully and irrevocably waive the copyright and printing rights of the research above in favor of the Journal of Durar for Islamic Studies, once it is accepted for publication. I grant the journal the exclusive right to publish the research in all printed, electronic, or digital media. I agree that any subsequent reuse or publication of the research must be with prior written approval from the journal’s management.