Author's Guide

These instructions contain three sections (publishing conditions, writing references, and instructions for authors) as follows:

Terms of publication:

  • The research submitted to the journal must be original and contribute to adding cognitive and theoretical value to the specialization, thus enriching objective scientific discussions.
  • The research must not have been previously published, submitted to other journals for consideration for publication, or previously published in a different language.
  • Submitted research must be free from plagiarism, and inaccurate presentation of facts or misleading information will not be accepted.
  • Submitted research must be written in Word, and research printed on tablets will not be accepted. The font type in Arabic is (simplified Arabic), and the font type in English is (Times New Roman).
  • Font size 14 for the body, 16 for titles, and 12 for footnotes, single spacing between lines, and titles should be indented at least 0.5 cm on the right and left margins.
  • Research papers are printed on A4 paper with footnotes. Normal

The search order should be as follows:

  1. the address
  2. List of authors, their affiliations and email addresses
  3. Abstract
  4. Keywords
  5. the introduction
  6. methodology
  7. The text
  8. Conclusion
  9. References

The first and second pages include:

  1. the address: It should be in the middle of the page and in both Arabic and English. The title should be a brief and focused description and should not exceed 12 words.
  2. Author information: Name(s) of author (s). Affiliation(s) of author(s), i.e. institution, (department), and active email address of the corresponding author and phone number. 16-digit ORCID researcher page link of the author (s).
  3. Abstract: The abstract is presented in short, precise and clear sentences, indicating the main research problem, the methods used in the research, and the most important conclusions, in both Arabic and English, in approximately 200-250 words.
  4. Keywords: Keywords should be written in both Arabic and English, and the author must provide 4 to 6 keywords that can be used for indexing purposes.

Page Three: The search starts from the third page upwards, which includes:

  1. Introduction: This section should be brief, including the background, importance and purpose of the research, a description of the gap or gap in knowledge that the research is designed to fill, which includes a statement of the problem or research question. When preparing the introduction, avoid conducting a detailed literature survey or summary of the results.
  2. Methodology: This section should contain detailed information about the procedures and steps followed in the study, and it can be divided into subsections if several methods are described.
  3. Research text: The text of research articles should be divided into specific sections (main and sub-sections) clearly classified in a sequential manner as appropriate. The research text includes:
  • Provide a summary of the main previous relevant studies and classify the approaches, variables of interest, and main findings, in addition to the gaps in previous studies that will be addressed in the research.
  • Experimental and/or descriptive details of the phenomenon under investigation
  • Results and Discussion: This section initially contains the results obtained by the author during the research activities. That is, what the author found in a simple and objective manner. The research results are initially presented as a whole without speculating on why these results were found. Then the discussion explains the meaning of the results, puts them in context, and explains why they are important.
  1. Conclusion: The author must clearly explain the important conclusions of the research, highlighting their importance and close/direct connection to the topic.
  2. References: In-text citations must follow Chicago Style 17 (Author - date).

Writing references:

Chicago 17 style, as shown above. References should be written at the end of the research, arranged alphabetically, and in (Simplified Arabic) font size 12.

References should be written in English first. Under the name (References) exclusively Then the references are listed in Arabic.

Instructions for authors:

  • The research must be submitted using the submission system on the journal’s website by registering on the journal’s website and then uploading the research file.
  • Upon receipt of the research, the journal will notify the researcher of receipt of his research within 5-10 working days.
  • The research is subjected to the Turnitin program to detect plagiarism before sending it to the referees, and it is preferable that the linguistic review conducted by the authors be in both Arabic and English.
  • random websites, but only those that are based on research published in international or local journals, books, theses and dissertations.
  • The author must make the revisions requested by the reviewers within a maximum period of one month; however, the author must review and approve the final version of the manuscript within a maximum of three days.
  • The researcher will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of his research within a period ranging from two to three months. The researcher whose research is accepted for publication will be notified of the date of publication of his research and will be provided with a letter of acceptance.
  • The fees for publishing in the magazine from outside Iraq are (100) US dollars, and from within Iraq (100.000) one hundred thousand Iraqi dinars.
  • Failure to comply with the terms and conditions will result in delay or non-publication of the research.


To download the journal’s approved research template, please visit the following link:

Research paper template